(808) 554-7400
Honolulu, HI


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Honolulu, HI, USA

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(808) 554-7400

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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer a health guarantee for your puppies?

We sure do! We do our best to make sure that adoption is a perfect fit for you and your puppy. Our Portuguese Water Dog Puppies come with a 6-month conditional health guarantee. We ask that you provide annual vet exams for your puppy and keep your puppy current on all shots and vaccines.

We do not guarantee against common illnesses such as Coccidia, Giardia, Worms, Kennel Cough, or hernias and NO guarantee is made as to disposition or conformation of the dog. We also do not guarantee the size of your adult dog.

Can I visit your facility and meet your dogs before placing a deposit or picking my new puppy?

Our “facility” is our home. All of our puppies are raised here and cared for by our family. We aren’t a pet store with business hours open to the public so, we currently only allow visits from those on our priority list who are coming on scheduled visitation days and to pick up their new puppy. The majority of our dogs live in guardian homes therefore, they aren’t always at our homes to be seen.

Our mom dogs may or may not not be available to be seen when coming to pick up your puppy at 8 weeks- mom dogs may have gone home by the time your puppy is to be picked up. Visits may be scheduled to see your chosen puppy after that specific litter has received their first set of vaccinations. 

For the safety of our dogs and young puppies as well as our family, we do not allow tours of our home or whelping areas. 

Are Doodles Hypoallergenic?

Technically, no dog is “hypoallergenic” as some people can be allergic to things other than fur like a dog’s saliva or urine. Doodles have allergy friendly properties, making them suitable for individuals who suffer from mild to moderate pet allergies. If you or someone in your home has severe allergies we recommend spending time with different types of adult Doodles before deciding to get on our waiting list. Head to your local dog park and strike up some conversation with fellow Doodle owners and ask if you can interact with their dog. 

Do Doodles shed?

Our Doodles are considered low-non shedding. We cannot guarantee any dog to be 100% non-shedding as each coat can vary, although, shedding in our adult Doodles is typically very mild. F1Bs, F2Bs, and Multigens will shed less (if any) than an F1 and are recommended for those with more severe allergies/concerns about excessive shedding. F1 coat types are typically tolerated well by those with very mild allergies and are often low shedding. Generally, you wont find much hair in your house or on your clothes but Doodle dust bunnies are common on the floors every now and then. Loose/dead hair will come off on your comb when you brush your Doodle just like with people who have a head full of hair!

Which generation/coat type is right for me?

Straight, wavy, or curly coat? What coat type is best for you and of which generation? Due to the unpredictability of coat types in an F1 pairing we are working towards only producing Multigen Doodles. Being a 50/50 cross, F1s can take after either parent (or have a good mix of both). This means that your pup’s coat could resemble the Aussie or Bernese or take more after the Poodle. Coat type can be a gamble when choosing any first generation Doodle. This holds true with any F2 pairing as well since both F1 parents used in this combo also carry a shedding/flat coat gene. An F1B may be great for those who want a coat that may shed less, however, many F1Bs are primarily curly and can take after a the Poodle almost entirely in terms of looks. With Multigens we can easily pair certain coat types together to ensure we get furnished, fluffy puppies with great coat texture! A straighter coat in an F1 often means it might shed some and may have a wirey texture. Although, a straighter coat in a Multigen will generally be silky, smooth, and can be low-non shedding. In a Multigen pairing we can actually eliminate the curl gene all together while retaining allergy friendly properties in a thicker and plush coat!

 A straight or wavy coat in a F1 pairing can shed some (generally minimally and less than the originally shedding breed). A straight, wavy, or curly coat in an F2B/Multigen pairing is often low-non shedding. Any straight or wavy coat will require less maintaince than a curly coated Doodle. 

What are the grooming requirements for a Doodle?

Doodle puppy coats are easy to maintain however, you should comb frequently to prepare them for when their adult coat comes in; your new puppy will have a life of grooming upkeep ahead of them! It is never too early to get your puppy used to grooming at home while they are young- we recommend you blow dry after every bath to prevent their fur from matting and schedule regular sanitary and face trims throughout puppyhood. A mature Doodle will require professional grooming every 6-8 weeks. Brushing should be done at home at least a few times per week if not more depending on your dog’s exact length and coat type. Bathing and blow drying can be done every few weeks or as needed. Adult Doodles have a high maintaince coat that will need regular upkeep to help them stay looking their best! Please reconsider taking on the responsibility of a Doodle if you are not willing and able to care for their coat physically and financially throughout their entire life. 

What are the differences between the Aussiedoodle, Bernedoodle, and PORTUGESE WATER DOG?

Each puppy’s temperament will depend on that of their parents’ rather than the exact breed, as all three of these breeds have similar characteristics. Generally our Aussiedoodles are recommended for those who are looking for an active dog. Bernedoodles are great for those who want a Doodle on the calmer side. The Portugese Water Dog is perfect for anyone wanting something in between! Please keep in mind energy level will vary and will depend on your particular puppy or that pairing.  

Aussiedoodle: Australian Shepherd & Poodle hybrid- Smart, loyal, eager to please, easy to train, medium-high energy level, therapy and service dog potential, active and energetic.

Read more about the Aussiedoodle HERE.

Bernedoodle: Bernese Mountain Dog & Poodle hybrid- Smart, loyal, easy to train but can be stubborn at times, low-medium energy level, therapy and service dog potential, laid back yet playful.

Read more about the Bernedoodle HERE.

Portugese Water Dog: The Portuguese Water Dog, originally bred for work in water, is an intelligent and robust breed known for its swimming and retrieving capabilities.

Read more about the Portugese Water Dog HERE.

Coat type is dependent on specific pairing & generation rather than breed. Exact characteristics will vary based on the parents and what they are known for producing.